History of Scotts Hill, Tennesee, Gordon Turner

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History of Scotts Hill, Tennesee, Gordon Turner

The membership of that Scotts Hill Silver Band sounds like an honor roll of that time; Lester C. Austin, Director who by now could play any instsrument in that band but usually played lead cornet; and, Leonard L. Brigance, Charles Smith Austin, ValDee Austin, Bill Brigance, and Jake Swift, cornets; Pleas and Atkins Austin and Elmer D. Brigance, altos; Caleb Perry Patterson and Will T. Austin, trombones; Oscar Stephens, B-flat base; M. Edgar Fanning, E-flat base; Henry P. Davenport base drum; and John Lee Austin, snare drum.


Edgar Fanning went to Gleason, Tennessee to organize a band there. He did that alright but he also got a job in the hank, rose to be cashier and manager and chalked up an unexcelled 50-plus year record before his death a few years ago.

Scotts Hill Items in the Lexington Republican February 23, 1906

Edgar Fanning of Gleason was called home to see his mother, who is very low.

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